It was John Wesley who said, “It seems that without God man cannot and without man God will not do anything on earth.” How true. God needs you for something to happen here. This should make you feel important because you are important and relevant to both God and all of us here. God has put something in you that our world desperately needs right now. But more importantly, God needs you more! Yes, You.

When God wants to have something done on earth – to solve a problem or meet a need – He has to use a human vessel. When a human being needs something to be done or changed on earth he needs God’s power and wisdom.

Here is the point:

When God’s need and a person’s need fuse together, a powerful ally and movement is formed that will stir heaven and shake the earth. It is a partnership between the heavenly kingdom and earthly realm. God is constantly looking for someone who shares the same pain, burden, and passion over a particular matter with Him. He is looking for someone who identifies with His pains and burdens for humans in pains and needs. He is looking for an individual who shares His vision of “Heaven on Earth.”

There is interdependency between God and man. Both share a common interest of a better world. God needs a human vessel and man needs an all-powerful God for things to happen here. God is the source of the solution; man is His approved vessel to convey His solutions and answers to a broken and hurting world. Prayer is God-established means through which God and man can tap into each other for the fulfillment of their common interest on earth. Real prayer is a project meeting between two willing and passionate partners from two different realms!

The end of the matter:

Whatever happens on earth depends on humans. Nothing happens on earth without a human getting involved. Yes, God is sovereign yet He has established some principles and laws through which He operates. One of these laws is that God will not do anything on earth without the cooperation of a human person. God is all-powerful but He can’t do anything on earth without a human vessel who will transmit that power to the hurting and broken people who cry out to Him daily.  Heaven is depending on you for change to happen in their lives and our world.

Instead of crying out every day for your needs and pursuing miracles all your life, be the one God will use to meet the needs of others and heal their pains. Forget about your selfish pains and identify with pains in the heart of God.

Then you daily prayer will be, “Lord, use me to solve that particular problem in our world.” In other words, let me be Your chosen vessel.

This is the best life ever. Try it and see for yourself. When God becomes your project partner, what a privilege! God could have done things all by Himself but He has chosen to honour you by bringing you into the business of building a better world – the heaven on earth.

Accept the mandate and launch out at once. He won’t let you down or abandon you in the jungle. Never!

“As I was with Moses, so shall I be with you. I will never fail you nor forsake you”, says the Lord.


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