If you desire to be a chosen vessel there are certain things that must be evident in your life. They are the seven things that characterize every chosen vessel.

1.      The Cause (Is there not a cause?)

The battle line between the Philistines and Israelites has just been drawn and here comes Goliath of Gath from the Philistine side, a war veteran and giant, over nine feet tall, and heavily fortified front and back. He had only one mission: to mock the nation of Israel, their King and their God.

For forty days, morning and evening, Goliath would step forward to challenge the armies of Israel with the following words: “I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight each other.” Each time he roared, the armies of God of Israel will shrink back, frozen in fear of one man. Goliath’s words have become a national reproach and a big insult to the God of Israel.

King Saul needed a man to accept the Goliath’s challenge. God needed a vessel, not necessarily a man of war, to show this giant that the God of Israel doesn’t take rubbish from anyone.

Here comes a little boy who had no idea of the situation on ground, no war experience. On hearing the babblings of this uncircumcised Philistine, David was furious. The interesting thing was that when David heard that there is a reward for anyone who would accept to fight the giant, he asked them to give him details of what the King intends to do for such a person.

It was at this point that Eliab, David’s eldest brother, appeared on the scene to chastise the little boy for leaving their father’s flock to come to the war camp. He said, “Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is: you came down to see the battle.”

Immediately David responded, “Is there not a cause?” In other words, “Senior brother, you got it wrong. I may have come here to see the war but I have discovered the real reason why God brought me to this war camp. There is an urgent need on ground and for this cause, I have come. Goliath must die today!”

A cause is the reason why something happened. His chosen vessels are people who have discovered the real reason why God brought them to this world, why they were born in a certain country, and why certain things happened in their lives. They have found the cause for which they were born. And they dedicate their lives to championing that cause with a consuming passion.

Only His chosen vessels can boldly make the following statements:

For this cause I was born.

For this cause came I into this world.

For this cause I bow my knees in prayers.

For this cause I die daily.

For this cause I suffer reproach in chains.

For this cause I burn the midnight oil.

For this cause I discipline myself daily.

For this cause I rejected juicy offers.


2.   The Sovereign Choice (Are you the one?)

It was not until Goliath spoke that David found the main reason God allowed him to visit the battlefield at that particular time. It was not to bring food to his brothers, though that was his father’s main reason for sending him. The real reason was that God has rejected Saul from being king over Israel and has chosen David as His new captain and shepherd over His chosen nation – Israel.

 “I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart, who will do all my will and carry out my program fully” (Acts 13:22)

God allowed the Philistine giant to throw that challenge to Saul who was still parading himself as the king because God wanted to announce David as the new captain of Israel publicly. God was saying to Israeli, “Look guys! David is your new king, captain and shepherd now. This is my choice for you!” That battle and Goliath’s challenge was just a divine setup.

That mockery, ugly experience, challenge, tragedy, failure, defeat, delay or loss maybe a divine setup! Stop blaming yourself or nursing bitterness against that person.

Have you found the real reason why God has allowed certain things to happen to you?

Have you found the real reason why God allowed you to experience that tragic loss, heartbreak, disappointment, betrayal, divorce, abuse, breakup, failure etc?

Have you found the real reason why you are still single or childless in spite of your good behavior and honest efforts?

Have you found the real reason why God allowed you to see or hear certain problems?

Have you found the reason God allows certain social problems to always make you sad and depressed?

Why does this particular problem irritate you and it seems nobody else cares?

Maybe, God has made a choice in you as His chosen vessel to confront that problem. He wants to use you to meet that need, to solve that problem. He wants to partner with you to emancipate the victims. Will you accept the challenge like David? Will you champion that cause for God? Will you become a vessel in the hand of God to fight that battle and liberate others?

Don’t be afraid of the size of the problem. Don’t worry about resources and provisions. Don’t look at your weaknesses. You are only a vessel in this partnership. Everything you would need, including the training, will be provided by God Himself when you accept the challenge and step out in faith.

When you accept the challenge, you become a movement!

You are His chosen vessel. You belong here!

To be continued...


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