Are you facing a project or dream bigger than you? Are you afraid of starting? Are you discouraged because of lack of support? Are you hungry to be used of God? Do you feel that God has called you to make a difference? Do you really want your life to count for God? Do you want to be useful and attractive to your generation? Are you tired of living a defeated and unhappy life? Are you tired of complaining and blaming circumstances for your failure? Are you ready for divinely-inspired success?

If yes, you belong here for the following reasons:

·         To continually to stay strong, focused and hungry

·         To constantly boost your courage

·         To constantly stay inspired and energized

·         To continually stay filled with the Spirit

·         To constantly stay in touch with other chosen vessels

·         To constantly challenge yourself

God is a Spirit and He needs fleshly vessels to carry out His programs in the seven major spheres of our society: Government, Family, Economics (Science, Technology & Business), Religion, Education, Media, and Celebration (Arts, Entertainment & Sports).

God wants to partner with you. He wants to strike the biggest partnership ever with you. God is more than enough to make you great. God is big enough to provide every single thing you need to achieve the dream He has placed in your heart. You are not an orphan in this world. You are His Chosen Vessel. God needs you desperately. He made you for His special use. What a privilege!

Are you available and interested?

Join His Chosen Vessels Facebook Group – a network of God’s chosen vessels in all the seven spheres of our society.


We are God’s chosen vessels specially made for His Personal use, set apart for His purpose, and united together by the burden of responsibility to carry out His program for our generation and beyond. We are living witnesses of the resurrected Christ. We are living proofs that Jesus is still alive today!

We are a confraternity of genuine believers who are hungry for His power to influence and transform our society. We acknowledge that we are empty, dry and powerless without the infilling of His Spirit. Christ is our sufficiency, competence, wisdom, advantage, qualification and secret of power. Without Him, we are nobodies and useless in this world. Thank God! With Him, in Him, and by Him, we do mighty things that are humanly impossible in our various spheres of influence through the power of the Spirit. He’s the One at work in us. We are His chosen vessels and transmitters of His power to our world. We are the solutions and answers to our today’s world.

This is where you belong! 

Scriptures to ponder:

Isaiah 51:2

“Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bore you; for I called him alone, and blessed him and made him.”

1Chronicles 28:20

“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work … is finished.”

Deuteronomy 31:7-8

“Be strong and courageous… The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.”


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