
Showing posts from June 27, 2021


  It was John Wesley who said, “It seems that without God man cannot and without man God will not do anything on earth.” How true. God needs you for something to happen here. This should make you feel important because you are important and relevant to both God and all of us here. God has put something in you that our world desperately needs right now. But more importantly, God needs you more! Yes, You. When God wants to have something done on earth – to solve a problem or meet a need – He has to use a human vessel. When a human being needs something to be done or changed on earth he needs God’s power and wisdom. Here is the point: When God’s need and a person’s need fuse together, a powerful ally and movement is formed that will stir heaven and shake the earth. It is a partnership between the heavenly kingdom and earthly realm. God is constantly looking for someone who shares the same pain, burden, and passion over a particular matter with Him. He is looking for someone who iden


  1.    The Cost (Are you willing to pay the price?) God chooses the weak, foolish and despised things in order to shame the so-called wise and mighty of this world so that no flesh will boast before Him. He reveals His power via weak and despised vessels. He picks them up dirty, cleans and pours His power into them for His work. Paul says, “But we have this treasure in an earthen vessel to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” (2Corithians 4:7) God calls and chooses you the way you are, regardless of your weakness, current mistakes and past blunders. However, He doesn’t use you the way you are until He has trained and raised you. God has a standard. He comes down to your level, though in the slums of life, to raise you up to His own standard. And His standard is all-time high! Nothing corrupts like power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. God cannot trust you with power without training and testing you because nothing destroys a person like power. P